Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus:symptoms,causes,risks factors

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus:symptoms,causes

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is. Ok, now that the language is out from the manner, 
let's have a look at this killer disease. What're Lots of the Signs? Diabetes mellitus has a number of the same symptoms as type 2 diabetes. This is why it's sometimes confused with type 2. They are: Increased thirst Frequent urination Increase hunger Blurred vision Tiredness\/fatigue Weight loss What is the distinction between type 1 and type 2? With type 1 diabetes mellitus, small or no insulin is made by the pancreas only way to replace it's by insulin injections. With Diabetes type 2, the body does not produce enough to convert glucose or resists insulin. 

How do you examine for type 1 diabetes mellitus? Test for type 1 diabetes mellitus using the C peptide How is diabetes mellitus treated by you? Treatment monitoring your blood sugar, but eating workouts and includes not just insulin shots. Transplant is the only known cure. Schedule a physical yearly Maintain an eye on your feet for sores\/infections Schedule regular eye exams Keep your blood pressure down Keep your teeth healthy. Brush at least two times a day Keep your immunizations 
up to date Keep your cholesterol Type 1 diabetes mellitus most frequently starts in early childhood But really it can develop at all ages, even in adulthood. The main cause of type 1 diabetes mellitus isn't yet known. 

Nevertheless, genetics might play an essential part in the disease.

Symptoms & Causes of type 1 Diabetes

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Type one polygenic disorder signs and symptoms will seem comparatively suddenly and will include:

  •        Increased thirst

  •         Frequent urination

  •       Bed-wetting in youngsters World Health Organization antecedently did not wet the bed throughout the night

  •        Extreme hunger

  •        Unintended weight loss

  •        Irritability and other mood changes

  •       Fatigue and weakness

  •       Blurred vision

What causes type 1 diabetes?

The exact reason for sort type 1 diabetes (one polygenic disorder) is unknown. Usually, the body's own system — that commonly fights harmful microorganism and viruses — erroneously destroys the insulin-producing (islet, or islets of Langerhans) cells within the exocrine gland. Other possible causes include:

  •         Genetics

  •         Exposure to viruses and other environmental factors


The role of insulin:

Once a major range of isle cells are destroyed, you will manufacture very little or no endocrine.
Insulin may be an internal secretion that comes from an organ set behind and below the abdomen (pancreas).
  •         The pancreas secretes insulin into the bloodstream.

  •          Insulin flow, allowing sugar to enter your cells.

  •         Insulin lowers the quantity of sugar in your blood.

  •          As your blood glucose level drops, therefore will the secretion of endocrine from your exocrine gland.

The role of glucose:

Glucose — a sugar — could be a main supply of energy for the cells that structure muscles and alternative tissues.
  •         Glucose comes from 2 major sources: food and your liver.
  •        Sugar is absorbed into the blood, wherever it enters cells with the assistance of hormone.
  •         Your liver stores glucose as glycogen.

·        When your aldohexose levels area unit low, like after you haven't devoured during a whereas, the liver breaks down the hold on polysaccharide into aldohexose to stay your aldohexose levels at intervals a normal range.
In-kind type 1 diabetes (one polygenic disease), there is no hormone to let aldohexose into the cells, therefore sugar builds up in your blood. This can cause life-threatening complications.


What health problems can people with type 1 diabetes(one polygenic disease)?

Over time, high blood sugar results in issues like

• heart disease
• stroke
• kidney disease
• eye problems
• dental disease
• nerve damage
• foot problems
• depression
• sleep apnea
If you have type 1 diabetes, you can help prevent or delay the health
problems of diabetes by managing your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and following your self-care plan.


Risk factors


Some famed risk factors for sort type 1 diabetes (one polygenic disorder) include:

  • Family history.

Anyone with a parent or sib with sort one polygenic disorder features a slightly magnified risk of developing the condition.

  • Genetics.

The presence of sure genes indicates AN magnified risk of developing sort one polygenic disorder.

  • Geography.

The incidence of sort one polygenic disorder tends to extend as you travel aloof from the equator.

  • Age

though sort one polygenic disorder will seem at any age, it seems at 2 noticeable peaks. The first peak happens in youngsters between four and seven years recent, and therefore the second is in youngsters between ten and fourteen years recent.


Over time, type 1 diabetes complications can affect major organs in your body:

·       Heart and blood vessel disease

·       Nerve damage

·       Kidney damage

·       Eye damage

·       Foot damage

·       Skin and mouth conditions

·     Pregnancy complications

Type 2 Diabetes:
Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes:  The bulk of carb foods consumed today are extremely refined and processed. Most of it sugar, but not table sugar, corn syrup beverages and several types of candy. Normally, fiber and nutrients also have been stripped away. These are considered to be the worst of the worst, although not all carbohydrates are bad for you. While pastry serves as a tasty treat, bagels, muffins, donuts, as well as cakes might cause blood sugar problems. These refined carbohydrates may cause a sudden spike. Since the blood glucose in our body rises, the pancreas begins to make insulin to assist blood glucose is absorbed by the cells. 

Nevertheless, whenever we consume too many refined carbohydrates, we may become insensitive to insulin and it could become less effective at lowering levels of blood sugar leading to Diabetes type 2. It's best to avoid pastry as they're super high in sugar. If you miss your treat that is sweet that is favored enjoy this should help suppress any craving and a treat made with stevia. You might also produce a sugar chocolate milkshake using raw cacao powder complete fat coconut milk, and 50% of a banana. This may do the trick to satisfy your candy tooth craving. 

Bread, especially white bread may cause a spike and after that a crash in blood sugar. Bread is notorious for containing high fructose corn syrup that might increase your risk of developing heart issues, obesity, and Diabetes type 2. Select choices like fermented diet wrap made with almond or cassava flour and it is best to avoid bread. When making a sandwich to assist in preventing blood sugar cravings you might use lettuce leaves. Packaged snacks have a tendency to be very high in refined carbohydrates. Foods like crackers, cookies, and even cereal bars contain loads of added sugar. Rather than choosing packaged snacks, choose whole foods such as nuts, seeds, 50% of an avocado, paired with a bit of fruit. 

Not only are frozen foods known to contain excessive amounts of salt, but they're also made with refined carbohydrates like white pasta or white rice. Skip the refrigerator meals, and do your very best to create as much of your food as you can! This way, you know precisely what goes into what you're eating. Breakfast cereal frequently contains high degrees of added sugar. Rather than cereal, choose a whole grain choice like rolled oats paired with a healthful fat like almond butter to assist stabilize your blood glucose. Refined carbohydrates can be detrimental to our overall health and also could make balancing levels of blood sugar challenges. Rather than refined options, try adding in some of the healthful swaps instead.

Ø      Symptoms of type 2 diabetes:
 Early signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Signs and symptoms of sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic diseases) typically develop slowly.
In fact, you'll be able to have sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic diseases) for years and not comprehend it.

Look for:

• Increased thirst

• Frequent urination

• Increased hunger

• Unintended weight loss

• Fatigue

• Blurred vision

• Slow-healing sores

• Frequent infections

• Areas of darkened skin, usually in the armpits and neck.

Ø   Early signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes:

The early signs and symptoms of a kind type 2 diabetes(two polygenic disorder) will include:

              1.Frequent urination

When glucose levels square measure high, the kidneys try and take away the surplus sugar by filtering it out of the blood. This can result in someone eager to urinate additional ofttimes, significantly at nighttime.

2.Increased thirst

The frequent excretion that's necessary to get rid of excess sugar from the blood may result within the body losing extra water.
Over time, this can cause dehydration and lead to a person feeling more thirsty than usual.

3. Always feeling hungry

People with the polygenic disorder typically don't get enough energy from the food they eat.
The systema digestorium breaks food down into an easy sugar referred to as aldohexose, that the body uses as fuel.

In folks with the polygenic disorder, not enough of this aldohexose moves from the blood into the body's cells.

As a result, folks with kind two polygenic disorder typically feel perpetually hungry, regardless of how recently they have eaten.

4. Feeling very tired

Type two polygenic disorder will impact on somebody's energy levels and cause them to feel terribly tired or played out.

This weariness happens as a result of scarce sugar moving from the blood into the body's cells.

5. Blurry vision

A more than sugar within the blood will harm the little blood vessels within the eyes, which can cause blurry vision.

This fuzzy vision will occur in one or each of the eyes and should come back and go.
If someone with polygenic disorder goes while not treatment, the harm to those blood vessels will become additional severe, and permanent vision loss may eventually occur.

6. Slow healing of cuts and wounds

High levels of sugar within the blood will harm the body's nerves and blood vessels, which may impair blood circulation.

As a result, even small cuts and wounds may take weeks or months to heal.
Slow wound healing conjointly will increase the chance of infection.

Ø   Risk factors of type 2 diabetes:
Risk factors of type 2 diabetes

Factors which will increase your risk of sort type 2 diabetes( type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder) include:

·     1.   Weight
Being overweight may be the main risk issue for sort type 2 diabetes (type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder).
However, you ought not to be overweight to develop sort type 2 diabetes(type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder).

·     2.  Fat distribution
If you store fat primarily within the abdomen, you have got a larger risk of sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder) than if you store fat elsewhere, like in your hips and thighs.
Your risk of sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder) rises if you are a man with a waist circumference on top of forty inches (101.6 centimeters) or a girl with a waist that is larger than 35 inches (88.9 centimeters).

·    3.  Inactivity
The less active you're, the larger your risk of sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder). Physical activity helps you manage your weight, uses up aldohexose as energy and makes your cells a lot of sense to internal secretion.
·     4.  Family history
The risk of sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder) will increase if your parent or relation has sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder).

·       5. Age 
the chance of sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder) will increase as you grow old, particularly when age forty-five.
That's probably because people tend to exercise less, lose muscle mass and gain weight as they age.
But sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder) is additionally increasing dramatically among kids, adolescents, and younger adults.

·      6.  Prediabetes
 Prediabetes may be a condition during which your blood glucose level is above traditional, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes.
Left untreated, prediabetes usually progresses to sort type 2 diabetes (two polygenic disorder).

·       7. Gestational diabetes
If you developed physiological state polygenic disorder once you were pregnant, your risk of developing sort two polygenic disorder will increase.
If you gave birth to baby advisement over nine pounds (4 kilograms), you are additionally in danger of sort two polygenic disorder.

·     8. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
For women, having polycystic sex gland syndrome — a typical condition characterized by irregular emission periods, excess hair growth and fat — will increase the chance of polygenic disorder.
Areas of darkened skin, typically within the armpits and neck. This condition often indicates insulin resistance.
